Many body quantum systems
organized by Marcel Griesemer
Invited speakers:
Wojciech de Roeck | (Heidelberg) | Diffusion of quantum particles: Rigorous renormalization group approach |
David Hasler | (Williamsburg) | Ground state properties in non-relativistic qed |
George Hagedorn | (Virginia Tech) | Non-Adiabatic Transitions in a Simple Born-Oppenheimer Model |
Contributed talks:
Abdelmalek Abdesselam | (University of Virginia) | On the ground state energy for massless Nelson models |
Itaru Sasaki | (Shinshu University) | On the ionization energy of the semirelativistic Pauli-Fierz model |
Roman Sverdlov | (Raman Research Institute) | Completely local interpretation of many-body quantum phenomena |
Cem Yuce | (Anadolu University) | Rotating ultracold dipolar gases |